This resource was developed prior to the curriculum redesign in 2015. While it does not align with current learning standards, it may have value as a content source. Teachers may need to make adjustments to ensure accurate alignment with current curriculum:

English 08, version 02 (Print)

This course consists of five modules, but students need to complete only four modules. All students need to complete Modules 1, 2, and 5; and either Module 3 OR 4.

Each module has five sections and activities to complete. The modules are thematic and focus on both fiction (short stories, novels, plays, poetry) and non-fiction (essays, articles, editorials, journals). Improving writing skills is one of the main goals of this course. Grammar workshops are included throughout the modules.

PLEASE NOTE: The following textbooks are referred to in this course. Stock may be low or depleted already. Students need to purchase their own from local libraries, publishers, or online book stores:

Language Arts Survival Guide (ISBN-10: 0-13-624354-1 or ISBN-13: 978-0-13-624354-0)
Treasure Island (novel) (ISBN-10: 0-14-036672-5 or ISBN-13: 978-0-14-036672-3)
Futures—Anthology (ISBN-10: 0-07-551523-7 or ISBN-13: 978-0-07-551523-4)
Playmaking (magazine) (ISBN-10: 0-13-020082-4 or ISBN-13: 978-0-13-020082-2)
The Outsiders (ISBN-10: 0-14-038572-X or ISBN-13: 978-0-14-038572-4)
The Snow Goose (ISBN-10: 0-7710-3250-1 or ISBN-13: 978-0-7710-3250-9)
Poetry Alive—Transitions (ISBN-10: 0-7730-5026-4 or ISBN-13: 978-0-7730-5026-6)
Playmaking—Anthology (ISBN-10: 0-13-020090-5 or ISBN-13: 978-0-13-020090-7)
Anthology—Media and Communications (ISBN-10: 0-13-017997-3 or ISBN-13: 978-0-13-017997-5)
Media and Communications (magazine) (ISBN-10: 0-13-017989-2 or ISBN-13: 978-0-13-017989-0)
Heroic Adventures—Anthology (ISBN-10: 0-13-017062-3 or ISBN-13: 978-0-13-017062-0)
The Isis Trilogy—Special Edition (ISBN-10: 0-88776-792-3 or ISBN-13: 978-0-88776-792-0)

Please note that student term tests and instructional guides (answer keys for section assignments and term tests) are available for most of our courses. These items can be ordered by Account Customers through this website by using your Customer Number. If you are not aware of your Customer Number, please call Customer Service at 1.888.883.4766.

**indicates a Print-on-Demand product. These items are non-returnable.

Product Code Quantity Price
Module 1, English 8, version 02 (JEN8A2) ** 7540003500 $23.44EA
Section 1:Elements of writing-identify and make choices in relation to purpose, audience, points of view, style, and word usage; strategies for generating ideas;parts of speech; short story study
Section 2:Story elements-study of character, setting, plot, mood, point of view; contrast/compare paragraphs; practise writing paragraphs; projects involve Response Journal entries toexplore topics and ideas from readings and to organize own thoughts
Section 3:In-depth character study; look at sentence structures; poetry imagery, free and traditional verse; create a poem
Section 4:More poetry study-figurative language, reflection, character and allusion, sounds; write more poems; review
Section 5:Novel: The Snow Goose or The Outsiders---choose which novel to read; keep a reading journal; keep track of new words; choose from a variety of activities and projects to complete the novel study
** This is a Print-on-Demand product; it is non-returnable.

Module 2, English 8, version 02 (JEN8B2) ** 7540003501 $23.44EA
Section 1:Study forms of drama; write a narrative and a descriptive paragraph; develop and practise scene-writing skills; learn about script format and how to design a set; use dialogue to write a first scene in a script
Section 2:Study about and write a monologue; explore vocal techniques; study action verbs; record own monologue on audio or video tape
Section 3:Further study of drama types; write a teleplay script; more study on verbs
Section 4:Study dreams to make stories; build on play and scene-writing skills, more study on verbs; study of conflict andresolution
Section 5:Prepare a complete one-act play with three or more scenes; study radio plays; review play structure
** This is a Print-on-Demand product; it is non-returnable.

Module 3, English 8, version 02 (JEN8C2) ** 7540003502 $23.44EA
Section 1:Use similes and metaphors to write predictions about future trends; study poetry, science fiction, punctuation; write a virtual reality program; practise writing in second person
Section 2:Novel: The Keeper of the Isis Light-focus on character development; study more punctuation; practise writing in first person; compose an ad
Section 3:Novel: The Keeper of the Isis Light-focus on character interaction and themes; write a book review
Section 4:Conduct a personal interview using closed and open-ended questions; write a personal letter or spoof; explore technology uses; oral presentation tips and audio activity
Section 5:Prepare and write a research report using one visual aid
** This is a Print-on-Demand product; it is non-returnable.
Module 4, English 8, version 02 (JEN8D2) ** 7540003503 $23.44EA
Section 1:Study storytelling history and techniques; record a story and an interview using closed and open-ended questions; write a tape script
Section 2:Study and write a narrative poem; script a poem for a choral reading; prepare an outline for a video; study punctuation
Section 3:Novel: 'Treasure Island'-focus on writing style, character, irony; study more punctuation; write a book review; make a map based on setting descriptions
Section 4:Novel: 'Treasure Island'-focus on first-person narratives; write an objective and a subjective response; study verbusage and more punctuation
Section 5:Novel: 'Treasure Island'-focus on book review; study sentence structure; prepare and write a research report using one visual aid
** This is a Print-on-Demand product, it is non-returnable.
Module 5, English 8, version 02 (JEN8E2) ** 7540003504 $23.44EA
Section 1:Study and compare readings about the positive and negative effects of television; view a video about the hidden influences of TV; learn persuasive techniques; write an editorial
Section 2:Study and compare the writing style of television and radio; write a tribute and a storyboard or shooting script; study commonly confused words; practise persuasive and descriptive writing
Section 3:Study the uses of photography messages in media; study and write a newspaper report and a feature article; identify slant; learn spelling strategies and proofreading skills
Section 4:Study the purpose and use of satire in media; compare the theme of two satirical pieces; write a satirical poem; study interactive media; write a virtual reality proposal
Section 5:Study and identify persuasive techniques in advertising; write a letter to the editor; create an unusual ad campaign; write a public service message; study use of dictionary and thesaurus; module review
** This is a Print-on-Demand product; it is non-returnable.

Textbook: In Context (EN0814J) ** 7540001693 $25.95EA
The readings are required for Modules 1, 3 and 4.
**This is a Print-on-Demand product, it is non-returnable.
Textbook: Responses (EN0815J) ** 7540001694 $19.71EA
This textbook is required in Modules 1-4. **This is a Print-on-Demand product, it is non-returnable.
Textbook: Language to Go (EN0820J) ** 7540001695 $15.55EA
This textbook is required in all modules. ** This is a Print-on-Demand product; it is non-returnable.

Textbook: 3-D English~Scripts for Language Arts, Book 1 (EN0822J) ** 7540001696 $15.55EA
This textbook is required for Module 2. **This is a Print-on-Demand product, it is non-returnable.
Textbook: Media Mix (Mini Anthology) (EN0830J) ** 7540001697 $15.55EA
This textbook is required in Module 5. **This is a Print-on-Demand product; it is non-returnable.
Illustrated English: Graphic Narrative Activities and Templates, English 8-12 (version 01) ** 7540005615 $15.55EA
Please note this is a supplementary resource.

Illustrated English is a series of blackline masters where poems, stories, and other narratives are created in a graphic novel format. For example, a poem is created in a graphic format. The focus is on visual story telling. There are suggestions within the product on how these graphic narratives can be used. This resource offers teachers a collection of graphic images to photocopy and distribute to students to help them meet IRP outcomes dealing with visual devices.

** This is a Print-on-Demand product; it is non-returnable.

** If you have access to ShareEdBC, please check for this item there.